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Attracting the "Right" Partner

Writer's picture: planyouadateplanyouadate

Updated: May 15, 2024

It's evident that many of us find ourselves trapped in a perpetual cycle of negative dating patterns and experiences. Often, we tend to blame external factors without examining our own role in attracting certain types of individuals, experiences, and heartaches into our lives. There's a common saying that "We are who we hang out with," suggesting that our lives reflect the energy we put out, which then rebounds back to us.

So when we wonder, 'Why do I keep attracting the same type? Why do I keep experiencing heartbreak?' it's crucial to introspect and ask, 'How am I contributing to this repetitive cycle?' You might feel puzzled, thinking, 'How can I be at fault when I'm the one being dumped and not the one ending things?' The answer lies beyond mere actions; it's about the deeper emotional dynamics and the environment we've created for ourselves.

Consider this: Are you in a relationship where your partner receives better treatment than you? Do you constantly prioritize their needs over your own, hoping for reciprocity? If so, you're unknowingly signaling that your needs are secondary. This sets a subconscious belief for both parties that your worth is lesser. Our subconscious mind is like a sponge, absorbing anything that serves our comfort and satisfaction. If you radiate an energy of being overly accommodating and self-sacrificing, you inadvertently attract those who exploit this dynamic for their benefit.

Now, don't mistake this for dismissing genuine care and effort in a relationship. True romance and strength come from mutual respect and support. However, if you fail to convey that you're the 'whole package' and won't settle for less than what you deserve, you set yourself up for disappointment.

Remember, it's not about being selfish but about valuing yourself enough to create healthy boundaries and expectations. Only then can you break free from the cycle of attracting incompatible partners and invite fulfilling relationships into your life.

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